What to Expect at your Prenatal Chiropractor Visit

What to Expect at a Prenatal Chiropractor Visit

First step--Look at our website and follow us on instagram/facebook to see the vibe of our office! We love serving the entire family and have extensive training in prenatal and pediatric chiropractic care.

Second step--Fill out the online form or give our office a call/text the clinic to schedule your new patient exam. We have 4 female chiropractors on our team, which allows availability that works best for your schedule. We then will send you electronic paperwork to have completed before your first visit with us. This paperwork asks valuable questions that gives us insight to things like: how far along are you, who is part of your birth team, what kind of birth would be your ideal, anything they are keeping an eye on, how has the pregnancy been for you so far, any pubic bone or round ligament pain, etc?

Third step--Your initial visit! At this visit, your doctor will do a thorough history and physical examine to determine if your goals are a good fit for our office. If both you and the doctor decide to move forward with your care and there are no contraindications to care determined, you will receive your first adjustment at this visit and will be on your way to moving and feeling better! Not everyone is coming in for pain but also to help create optimal baby positioning.

Oftentimes, our moms under prenatal chiropractic care have more comfortable pregnancies, easier and shorter labor times, less interventions and more room to facilitate the baby to get into the best position for birth. Our adjustments are gentle and safe throughout pregnancy. We have pregnancy pillows that allow you to lay on the table comfortably when getting adjusted. Not only do we work to ensure the pelvis has proper motion and mobility but we also use a technique, Webster, to help facilitate proper pelvic function and then relieve any intrauterine constraint caused by torsion or tension. It helps allow more space for the baby to grow and move into position to prepare for the birth process.

Fourth step—Report of findings. After assessing your response to the first pregnancy adjustment, we will discuss recommendations for care throughout pregnancy and post-partum. Our treatment plans are designed to provide you with relief and then to help support your body through the progression of pregnancy. This can look different for everyone. Typically though, we tend to follow the frequency of care of your OB/Midwife, as long as you are overall comfortable, balanced, and the baby is in the ideal position.

Each additional visit after that, we will be updating your information-- i.e. weeks pregnant, last OB/Midwife appointment, any concerns, swelling, baby positioning, changes you've noticed since your last visit. After this, you will receive your adjustment and ligament releases. If at any time we need to change the frequency of care, it's easily adjustable. We are here for you and strive to give you the best care at each visit and also serve as a resource and additional support member of your birth team!

We would love to be apart of your birth team as your prenatal chiropractors in Lincoln, NE!

Michaela Laughrin