Prenatal Chiropractic to support your pregnancy changes

Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative time in a woman's life. As the body changes to accommodate growing life many physical aspects of a woman's body can be altered. Fortunately, prenatal chiropractic care can help alleviate some of the discomfort and promote healthy development for both mother and baby.  We will discuss five ways we can support your pregnancy and birth with chiropractic care with our Lincoln, NE chiropractors.

1. Pelvic changes: As the uterus expands, it can cause the pelvis to shift and move. This can lead to joint restrictions, muscle tension, and ligament discomfort in the pelvis . All of our Chiropractors are specialized in techniques such as the Webster Technique, which is designed to improve pelvic alignment and reduce tension in the round ligaments. This technique involves adjusting the sacrum and other pelvic bones to create more space for the growing uterus and reduce pressure on the round ligaments.

2. Posture changes: As the baby and belly grows, it can cause a woman's center of

gravity to shift forward. This can lead to change in posture and back pain.

Pregnancy chiropractic care can help support posture changes, reduce pain associated with these changes, and allow for better body awareness by addressing joint mobility.

3.Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to increased joint laxity, which can make joints more vulnerable to injury. Prenatal chiropractic care can help stabilize joints and reduce the risk of injury.

4. Labor and birth: Pregnancy chiropractic care can also be beneficial for birth. Regular adjustments can help ensure proper mobility and symmetry of the pelvis, making it easier  for baby to find an optimal birth position and support pelvic mobility needed while the baby passes through the birth canal. This can lead to a smoother and less painful birth.

5. Ergonomic changes: Finally, the best positions for the mother during pregnancy are those that encourage the baby to move into an optimal position for birth. When sitting, choose a chair with good lumbar support, avoid sitting in a reclined position, and sit with both feet flat on the ground. Many women want to rest in a reclined position. However, this position should be avoided because it places pressure on the sacrum, which can cause baby to move into a less optimal position. One comfortable option to choose is sitting on an exercise ball and gently rocking back and forth, side to side, and in circles. All of our prenatal chiropractors specialize in prenatal care and can educate patients on proper standing, sleeping, sitting, lifting, and birthing positions that will be most beneficial to mother and baby.

Overall, prenatal chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to support the physical changes of pregnancy. Fortunately chiropractic care is considered one of the safest options for pain management during pregnancy due to its non-invasive and drug-free approach. All of our chiropractors have specific training in prenatal care and we can confidently tailor your treatment to your specific needs throughout pregnancy. Some women may choose to start chiropractic care before pregnancy to help prepare their body for the changes it will undergo, while others may begin during their first trimester or later in their pregnancy. We are Lincoln, NE based prenatal chiropractors, and would love to help you!