Chiropractor During Pregnancy: Is It Safe To Go?

Your back hurts, your hips ache and your heartburn is so bad it’s making it hard to sleep. Ahh the joys of pregnancy, right? If you’re looking for natural pregnancy remedies, you may have heard that going to the chiropractor during pregnancy can help. But is it really safe?

Here’s the good news: chiropractic during pregnancy is not only totally safe for you and your baby, it’s also incredibly beneficial for your overall health and can even help you prepare for an easier labor!

Keep reading to learn more about seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy.

Chiropractor During Pregnancy: Why It’s Safe

Time and time again, research has shown that going to the chiropractor during pregnancy is very safe and can help keep you comfortable and healthy during this physically demanding phase in your life.

When it comes to chiropractic during pregnancy, it’s important to remember that a prenatal chiropractor doesn’t just immediately adjust any patient that walks through the door. 

“We are trained doctors who know when and if to adjust,” said Lincoln, NE chiropractor Michaela Laughrin. “If we are concerned, we refer to your OB or midwife to get the OK.” 

Laughrin said that the physical adjustments done during a prenatal chiropractic exam are tailored to each patient and their particular pregnancy. Seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can be customized to meet the needs of moms with typical pregnancies and high risk pregnancies. Even expectant mothers on pelvic bedrest can be safely - and gently - adjusted to get relief while focusing on safety.

Pregnant woman considering seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy.

Chiropractor During Pregnancy: How It Works

At our Lincoln, NE chiropractic office, we’ve seen mommas from the day they take their pregnancy test (or even before they know they’re pregnant) all the way through labor. We’ve even helped patients transition during delivery with chiropractic care!

If you want to see a prenatal chiropractor in Lincoln, NE or in your area, it may be helpful to know the steps your doctor will take to ensure your comfort and safety throughout your pregnancy.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, your adjustment may not seem any different than a typical chiropractic adjustment. In fact, traditional chiropractic adjustments are safe if you get adjusted without realizing you’re pregnant.

As your belly gets bigger your doctor will be able to use support pillows so you can continue to lay on your stomach for adjustments throughout your entire pregnancy.

Throughout your pregnancy, your prenatal chiropractor will check all of the ligaments, muscles and bones that affect the balance of the structures that support your uterus and baby. 

By focusing on balancing these structures, seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can help create the space the baby needs to be able to move into the best possible position for birth. This is one reason why many people use chiropractic during pregnancy when exploring how to prepare for natural birth.

The Benefits of Seeing A Chiropractor During Pregnancy

Preparing for a natural birth is not the only reason to see a chiropractor during pregnancy. In fact, research has shown that there can be many benefits of prenatal chiropractic care.

Some of the research-backed benefits of seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy include:

  • Pregnancy-safe pain relief

  • Better sleep

  • Better baby positioning for labor

  • Better recovery after childbirth

  • Easier time staying active during pregnancy

  • More energy throughout pregnancy

Seeing a chiropractor can also help if you hope to give birth without medication, are preparing for a VBAC or just want to be able to better handle the discomfort of pregnancy, labor and birth.

In fact, research has shown that 75% of pregnant women receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy reported pain relief.

A woman considers whether to go to the chiropractor during pregnancy

How to Choose a Chiropractor During Pregnancy

If you’re ready to see a chiropractor during pregnancy, it’s important to find a prenatal chiropractor who specializes in working with pregnant moms. Many prenatal chiropractors - like our chiropractors in Lincoln, NE - also specialize in postpartum chiropractic and newborn chiropractic care.

By working with a prenatal chiropractor during pregnancy, you’re not just getting pregnancy-safe pain relief, you’re also getting another key member of your healthcare team, said Dr. Laughrin of Everwell Family Chiropractic.

At Everwell Family Chiropractic in Lincoln, NE, prenatal chiropractors often answer pregnancy questions in between patients’ doctor appointments, help them figure out how to ask important questions of their providers, educate them on their birth options and even connect them with local doulas.

“We empower them to listen to their own internal voice and respectfully work with their providers to help prepare for the birth they want,” said Dr. Laughrin. “Afterwards, we are often a sounding board, talking through their labor and delivery and helping their family transition to having a new member.”

If you’re ready to see a chiropractor during pregnancy, be sure to search for a prenatal chiropractor near you. And if you’re looking for South Lincoln, NE chiropractic during pregnancy, contact Everwell Family Chiropractic to learn more about our services.